Tuesday, July 26, 2005

last night

Last night our friends took us our for a "surprise" meal thingy in Southgate cos we're leaving London at the end of the week. It was fab - the Orchid House Thai Restaurant in Southgate does a mean chicken in coconut milk soup.

It was great to see everyone too - they'd invited all the right people - Jude, Lucy, Stu, Drew, Flan, Bernie, Tim and Anna. New (slightly fuzzy, I think my phone was drunk) photos over there on the zeitgeist thingy.

Thanks to Lucy, Jude and I think Stu (?) for organising and inviting...

We should "leave" more often! Looking round the table I think most of the people there are people we'll still see just as much regardless of where we live. You're all great... we love you lots.


  1. is utterly mutual!! You guys are great.. looking forward to the oven cleaning... bless you

  2. So sorry I couldn't make it! Glad you had a great night.



Sometimes I do go on...