Tuesday, November 13, 2007

a decree

I spent this past weekend chilling out in Somerset with Jude, Cathy, Paul and Alex, drinking copious amounts of tea and coffee, playing much Scrabble, exploring a lake with a funny name which I can't remember, eating great curry and plenty more relaxing things.

At some point over the weekend, a decision was reached. Some names suit old ladies which just don't suit the younger generations. I mean, just imagine holding a baby in the first few minutes of its life and proclaiming "Gladys" over it?

By the same measure, can you imagine wandering in to your local old people's home to have tea and biscuits with octogenarians Chardonnay and Tiffany?

Fear not - Jude and I have come up with a solution. From November 2043 I will cease to be known as Rachel and will thereafter be called Ethel. Jude's chosen old-lady-name will be Winifred (she'll let you know when to start using it).

Please do feel free to join us in this (possibly premature) transition into old-lady-hood. Select your name and let us know when we should begin to use it. Those who feel in need of particular assistance can apply to join JudeWinifred and myself on our old-lady-practice days (details tbc)



Sometimes I do go on...