Friday, August 15, 2008

durban prayer autoblog 45

So for the last 7 weeks, Durban has (mostly unknowingly) played host to 100 Soul Survivor delegates with a love for worshipping God and a heart to see lives changed. Durban is a city full of contrasts - wealth next to poverty, cultures side by side, numerous religions, worldviews etc. There are also various political implications and still, in some places, the after effects of apartheid.

God is at work here, changing the hearts and lives of people in so many ways. There's much to be done - some obvious, some not so obvious.

Thank God for...
- this city, its life and its people
- the freedom to be Christian here, and the many many people who are

Please pray for...
- this city!
- for resolution in difficult situations
- for employment, education, health, immigration and economy
- for increased peace and safety for all who live here
- that God would continue to move and that more and more people would come to know him

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