Friday, April 28, 2006

wally (august 2004 - april 2006)

Wally died today. She'd been ill for a while so it wasn't a surprise. Wasn't very nice though - she was choking and foaming at the mouth and there really wasn't anything we could do to help.

There's only a few photos - she never did like the camera much.


  1. Sorry to hear of Wally's demise!

  2. really sorry to hear about wally. :( our hamster sammie is getting old, and recently she's put on loads of weight, so we were preparing ourselves for the worst.... and the last few days she's lost a bit of weight and is looking much better! :)

    i'm in week 1 of my last 6 week placement now - with year 5 which i love... although i'm shocked to find they're doing science i did in at least year 8!!

    off school today because of the elections - done one job application and am thinking about planning tomorrow's science lesson. :)

    are you final placement-ing now? hopw it's all going well. can't believe we qualify so soon!!

    sarah xx

  3. "choking and foaming at the mouth"? MAAAN, that sounds BAD !!!

  4. :( very sad, but maybe cool to die in such a dramatic way? no, i'd still rather go in my sleep...



Sometimes I do go on...