Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I love my neighbours.

Recently, one of them fell and broke her wrist. Since then, the neighbours between them have taken her to a NHS walk-in centre and to a hospital, cooked her various meals, taken her out shopping, bought her a newspaper every day (oh, and bought one for another of the neighbours as the lady with the broken wrist usually did that) lent her a bath mat, given her a sling to support her arm, a cast cover to use when showering, and handrails for the bathroom, helped her with bathing and even cut her hair.

I love the way none of this had to be organised or arranged. People are just offering what they have to support a neighbour in need.

It's beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. It IS beautiful! Impromptu kindness and thoughtfulness!



Sometimes I do go on...