Saturday, July 08, 2006

result! (say what you see)

Having passed my
P is for PostG is forGraduateC is for Certificate ofE is for Education

I now have
Q is for QualifiedT is for TeacherS is for Status

Which makes me an
N is for NewlyQ is for QualifiedT is for Teacher

Still not sure what i'm on about? Hold your mouse over each image for a few seconds and a helpful interpretation will appear. More helpful than the deliberately erroneous sarcastic interpretation that I am sure Martin will provide in the not too distant future...


  1. Nooooo! You don't want to be a teacher!

    You want to have a life! You want to work for people who have hearts and consciences! You want to be treated with respect and good manners! You want to have your opinion valued and listened to!

    (It's the best job in the world. Congratulations.)

  2. Nooooo!

    You don't want to be a teacher! You want to have a life! You want to be treated with respect! You want to be valued and appreciated by your bosses! You want to work in a clean and pleasant environment! You want to be rewarded for your efforts and enthusiasm!

    (It's the best job in the world. Congratulations.)

  3. Oops - your blog told my that my first comment was lost forever!

    Trust a teacher to get a simple job wrong...

  4. Go you!!!!!

    althoug h when i first looked at the picture's i read it as 'having passed my degree, I now have a cup of tea' - brain thought Rach? lazy? Sorry hun. ;-)

  5. I get it I get it! Congratulations you!!!!
    Surprised that Martin hasn't left a comment after giving him such an opportunity!



Sometimes I do go on...